Am I like the world?

A thought from my quiet time this morning. I’m reading and enjoying “Because We Love Him” by (Clyde Cranford). In it a line, “In our society we see very little of this [suffering for Christ’s sake] because Christians are so much like the world.”


He’s right. The church today – but more importantly >> I am < < much more like the world than I care to be. Lord, set me apart, for your Glory.

Why I got off the Do Not Call List

In researching the hoax below. I have found some good news. You can now delete your number from the registry and telemarketers will begin calling you again.

You can delete your phone number only by calling toll-free 1-888-382-1222 from the telephone number you want to delete. After you contact the registry to delete it, it will be removed from the National Do Not Call Registry by the next day. But telemarketers have up to 31 days to access information about your deletion and add your number back to their call lists, if they choose to.

Why on earth would I do this? So that I may witness more. It works quite well when you use the right approach.

A must hear instructional on how to share your faith can be found by listening to this mp3 or visiting