One of the best posts I’ve come across so far concerning the WWMFO (World Wide Muslim Freak Out):
Paul from It’s All Downhill From Here brings some excellent points in his post: Freedom Of Expression.
Just a thought
Analysts and companies say the boycott of Danish goods called by Islamic countries is costing Danish businesses more than $1 million a day.
Hear me out a bit..
I’m sincerely offended at the media’s constant breaking of the 3rd commandment.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 20:7)
I wish we who call ourselves Christians would protest (in a civillized manor) whenever the media blasphemed God and Jesus Christ. At least the Muslims are acting like they believe what they say.
Witnessing: Cassie in Kroger
I said I was going to post when I witnessed to people. I have several drafts going back over the last couple months and there have been a bunch that haven’t even made it to draft mode. Sorry about that. But here’s one from a couple hours ago. Continue reading “Witnessing: Cassie in Kroger”
‘To Catch a Predator’ –
This is really “must see TV” for anyone online.
Watch Dateline’s ongoing hidden camera investigation into computer sex predators — grown men, trolling the Web for young teenagers. This time, police are making arrests. • 9 P.M. Eastern / 8 P.M Central ON NBC
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To Catch a Predator’ –
Virus Alert – Just calm down
Experts at SophosLabsâ„¢, Sophos’s global network of virus, spyware and spam analysis centers, have warned users not to panic over the threat posed by the Nyxem-D worm (also known as Blackworm,, Win32/Mywife.e or W32.Blackmal.E@mm), which is programmed to wipe data on infected computers on Friday 3 February, but to take calm action.
“When you panic, you make mistakes,” said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos. “Sit down, have a cup of tea, and work out if you have done everything you should have done to ensure your computer isn’t at risk from the Nyxem worm, and indeed any of the other 120,000 pieces of malware in existence.”
The W32/Nyxem-D worm, which can pose as pictures of the Kama Sutra, has a destructive payload, which triggers half an hour after a computer is booted on the third day of any month, destroying DOC, XLS, MDB, MDE, PPT, PPS, ZIP, RAR, PDF, PSD and DMP files by replacing their contents with the phrase:
DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5]
The Nyxem worm overwrites files with a bogus error message
Sophos automatically updated customers with protection against the W32/Nyxem-D Windows worm, which does not infect Macintosh computers, at 16:03 GMT on 16 January 2006. Experts believe that home users may be at more risk than businesses because typically they take security issues less seriously.
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Sophos urges calm as panic over Friday’s Nyxem worm attack spirals