Well I’ve confused A.D. again (see:Hrrrrm). I don’t see this as a debate. Because this is the type of conversation where neither of us is going to “win” without total rejection of our identities. I’ve always seen this as an opportunity to simply be better understood. So many times evangelical Christians are seen as hateful hypocrites. In time, even with people who don’t agree with me, they see I am sincerely concerned with their eternal soul and operate from pure intent. And then there’s always the hope that something I write will be used by the Holy Spirit to bring someone to repentance and faith in Christ. With AD, I don’t seem to be any closer than when he first stopped by. In his latest post AD seems to still misunderstand me, my intentions or both.
The Millionaire Next Door
Witnessing YahooIM style
So here I am minding my own business when i get some IM about a guy wanting me to 3-way with his wife or girlfriend. This was not a bot, but a real person. So I decided to witness to him. His screen name has been changed to protect the guilty. Continue reading “Witnessing YahooIM style”
Denzel Washington/Fisher House Hoax
The urban legend e-mail, which has picked up steam in the past two weeks, claims Washington was so impressed with the Fisher House efforts that he ‘pulled out his checkbook on the spot and wrote a check large enough to pay for construction of a new Fisher House at BAMC. Continue reading “Denzel Washington/Fisher House Hoax”
The Book of Daniel: Seriously Offensive
I have to wonder if somewhere in the writing of this show, someone didn’t say, “nah, this needs to be more offensive…”
From the inbox:
The network is promoting “The Book of Daniel” as a serious drama about Christian people and the Christian faith. The characters include: Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest; his alcoholic wife; his son, a 23-year-old homosexual Republican; his daughter, a 16-year-old drug dealing daughter; a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop’s daughter; his lesbian secretary who is sleeping with his sister-in-law; and a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus who talks to the priest.
The writer for the program is Jack Kenny, a practicing homosexual who describes himself as being “in Catholic recovery,” and is interested in Buddhist teachings about reincarnation and isn’t sure exactly how he defines God and/or Jesus. “I don’t necessarily know that all the myth surrounding him (Jesus) is true,” he said.
Aidan Quinn, who plays Rev. Webster, said if the show offends some Catholics, “I don’t really care…”
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