We have the technology to limit cars & trucks from breaking the speed limit.
Should the government require it??
Gun control advocates: Now ask yourself why you want the same thing despite a clear constitutional protection for my right to bear arms.
The personal thoughts, opinions and typos of Ron Shank
We have the technology to limit cars & trucks from breaking the speed limit.
Should the government require it??
Gun control advocates: Now ask yourself why you want the same thing despite a clear constitutional protection for my right to bear arms.
The following comes from a friend of mine living in Honduras. There is a lot of misinformation if you only watch the news. DH’s email helps clear up a lot. Keep my friends and the people of Honduras in your prayers, please.
Hi everyone,
In view of the events of the past 7 days in Honduras and, in our opinion, the tremendous MISINFORMATION by the international media, we want to direct you to a website that gives a more balanced view of these events.
Honduras really needs prayer as the very fabric of democracy in this nation is threatened right now. Continue reading “Accurate News from Honduras”
File this under tolerance.
It’s shocking to me on a variety of levels.
Continue reading “Little old lady takes on crazy homosexuals”
Just when I thought Dr. Dobson had gotten all the Kool-Aid out of his system, I read this from ONN:
Conservative Christian leader James Dobson has softened his stance against Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, saying he could reverse his position and endorse the Arizona senator despite serious misgivings. “I never thought I would hear myself saying this,” Dobson said in a pre-taped radio broadcast “…While I am not endorsing Senator John McCain, the possibility is there that I might.”
Dobson and other evangelical leaders unimpressed by McCain increasingly are taking a lesser-of-two-evils approach to the 2008 race. Dobson and his guest, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler, spend most of the pretaped Focus on the Family radio program criticizing Democratic candidate Barack Obama, getting to McCain at the very end.
All I can say is Don’t do it, Jim. You’ll regret it.
The rest of Dr. Dobon’s “Death of Conscience” is at OneNewsNow.com
WND’s Joe Farah, writes here:
But John McCain won’t get any help from me. He won’t get my vote. In fact, to be honest, if the Republican Party is ever going to recover itself and become the party it was under Ronald Reagan, it will happen faster if John McCain is beaten. It will happen faster if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton gets elected and implement the Big Brother, socialist agenda they both endorse.
We’re all going to experience it in the next four years. It’s simply a question of who is going to be force-feeding it to us. I’d rather it come from the Democrats, so the American people know whom to blame.
Bring it on. I’ll do my best to expose it. Maybe the American people will wake up and rediscover the meaning of freedom after tasting elitist, top-down, command-and-control, centralized socialism.