This is great for capturing screen shots and even video clips of screens. I recommend it all the time.
I don’t need it on Linux because I have shutter and recordMyDesktop and great alternatives.
The personal thoughts, opinions and typos of Ron Shank
This is great for capturing screen shots and even video clips of screens. I recommend it all the time.
I don’t need it on Linux because I have shutter and recordMyDesktop and great alternatives.
The wordpress app for iPhone is awesome. I highly recommend it for anyone with a wordpress blog and an iPhone.
For those of us with a full cup of Windows Vista hate, the answer is to run to Windows 7. The release candidate (RC) is out and I too plan to overwrite Vista with this as soon as I can get my head above water. But this article from Lifehacker made me laugh this morning. What will happen when you get the Windows 7 RC and fail to upgrade to the paid version? At first (in March 2010) you’ll get a nag/pop up. I’d expect that. Then in June, you’d expect to be locked out, right. But no, even funnier. You can use it for 30 minutes. Then it auto-reboots – without warning. Maybe it’s just me, but that’s funny and worse than a total lockout. Like what you see? Too ba(reboot).
It’s all fine. They don’t have to give you a nag-free year to begin with. If you don’t want to pay for your operating system, then get Ubuntu (or some other flavor of Linux).
Amarok 1.4 WAS by far the best music player I had ever seen. So many options, a great functional layout with nearly everything you wanted no more than a single click away… I did say was. My recent upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 automagically left me with Amarok 2. Not only was it not playing out of the box, I seem to have lost all ability to customize it or control it. They say it’s the future of media players. Of course they do because, it’s sure not the present. I haven’t seen a sequel this bad since Weekend at Bernie’s 2. Continue reading “Amarok2: The Weekend at Bernie’s 2 of Software”