John Wesley Spins in his Grave!

Transsexual United Methodist Minister Reappointed to Lead Baltimore Church

“Rev. Phoenix merits compassion for a lifelong struggle over gender identity issues, as related at the conference. But the church helps no one when it fails to faithfully transmit the Gospel of hope and transformation,” said UMAction Director Mark Tooley.

This is so sad. The Judicial council of the UMC is likely to address the issue in Oct. How can this even happen, you may wonder? Well, The United Methodist Church has no explicitly stated, official policy regarding sex change operations.

We have failed as a church. We (and I’m not just talking about Methodists here) have failed to reach out in love and offer healing to those in our community confused and burdened with homosexuality. Let me be clear. No matter you sin Jesus Christ offers help and healing. Not through surgery or even acceptance of one’s pet sin, but through the Biblical model of repentance and faith in Christ.

And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
Mark 8:34-35

Homosexual Activists Decry, Praise TN Marriage Amendment Language

Since its introduction, homosexual activists have seized upon the fact that the Tennessee Marriage Amendment (TMA) is one of the weakest versions of any state marriage amendment proposal to date.

Read more here: Homosexual Activists Decry, Praise TN Marriage Amendment Language

Where is the real James Dobson?

Focus on the Family is supporting homosexual “civil-union” legislation?

Harvey disagrees with Focus’ decision to get involved. “A lot of people look up to Focus to take principled stands on these issues,” she said. “They did not need to get involved here. A semi-domestic partner benefit bill, if passed, should not have a major Christian ministry’s fingerprints on it. It seems to me the Bible is pretty clear on this. Homosexuality is very, very wrong, and legislation that in any way rewards, recognizes, enables or appears to endorse these relationships is not a place for a Christian ministry’s involvement.”


The Book of Daniel: Seriously Offensive

I have to wonder if somewhere in the writing of this show, someone didn’t say, “nah, this needs to be more offensive…”

From the inbox:

The network is promoting “The Book of Daniel” as a serious drama about Christian people and the Christian faith. The characters include: Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest; his alcoholic wife; his son, a 23-year-old homosexual Republican; his daughter, a 16-year-old drug dealing daughter; a 16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop’s daughter; his lesbian secretary who is sleeping with his sister-in-law; and a very unconventional white-robed, bearded Jesus who talks to the priest.

The writer for the program is Jack Kenny, a practicing homosexual who describes himself as being “in Catholic recovery,” and is interested in Buddhist teachings about reincarnation and isn’t sure exactly how he defines God and/or Jesus. “I don’t necessarily know that all the myth surrounding him (Jesus) is true,” he said.

Aidan Quinn, who plays Rev. Webster, said if the show offends some Catholics, “I don’t really care…”

More.. and who you can contact here>>>

WND: ‘Brokeback Mountain’: Rape of the Marlboro Man

This is a must read, if you have friends or coworkers that are going to see the homosexual cowboy film, Brokeback Mountain.

WorldNetDaily: ‘Brokeback Mountain’: Rape of the Marlboro Man
Recently, WND Managing Editor David Kupelian, author of the best-selling book, “The Marketing of Evil,” was widely quoted in the news media for his criticism of the new film “Brokeback Mountain.” Here, Kupelian explains how and why the controversial movie is one of the most powerful homosexual propaganda films of our time.

The article goes on to say…

Ultimately, propaganda works because it washes over us, overwhelming our senses, confusing us, upsetting or emotionalizing us, and thereby making us doubt what we once knew. Listen to what actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who plays Jack, told the reporter for Entertainment magazine about doing the “love” scenes with Heath Ledger:

“I was super uncomfortable … [but] what made me most courageous was that I realized I had to try to let go of that stereotype I had in my mind, that bit of homophobia, and try for a second to be vulnerable and sensitive. It was f—in’ hard, man. I succeeded only for milliseconds.”

Gyllenhaal thinks he was “super uncomfortable” while being filmed having simulated homosexual sex because of his own “homophobia.” Could it be, rather, that his conflict resulted from putting himself in a position, having agreed to do the film, where he was required to violate his own conscience? As so often happens, he was tricked into pushing past invisible internal barriers &#8212 crossing a line he wasn’t meant to cross. It’s called seduction.

This is how the “marketers of evil” work on all of us. They transform our attitudes by making us feel as though our “super uncomfortable” feelings toward embracing unnatural or corrupt behavior of whatever sort &#8212 a discomfort literally put into us by a loving God, for our protection &#8212 somehow represent ignorance or bigotry or weakness.

Related links:

How Christians Can Talk to Homosexuals
A former lesbian explains how to reach out to homosexual friends and family members.

How should I witness to a homosexual? – Ray Comfort

Hell’s Best Kept Secret
Download the MP3 and hear how to reach the lost – regardless of their “sexual preference”.