In case you missed it.

My Ron Paul on Evolution post continues to get a lot of comments. Gary’s latest comment brought up an excellent point I had not thought of before.

…Also, the Theory of Evolution does not accept a perfect original creation. It has death and destruction at the beginning. Scripture teaches that the original creation was perfect, then marred by sin, then death was placed upon it by God as a curse. Death before sin contradicts Scripture. If death was rampant for millions of years before Adam sinned, which would be the case according to the Theory of Evolution, then how could it be a curse placed upon creation by God? If that is the case, then death is normal, not abnormal. It undermines the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ to redeem people from the curse of sin and death….

Be sure and check out the entire post. It really has some great thoughts.

Christian Conservatives Weigh GOP Split

Be sure and watch the video clip. There’s a great quote in it from Richard Viguerie who says: “They have said to the American people, ‘We have one guiding principle above anything else, and that is power. We are nominating somebody who can help us hold on to power.’ And at that point in time, perhaps it would be appropriate to begin the process of putting the Republican party out of it’s misery.”

ABC News: Christian Conservatives Weigh GOP Split
Those at the smaller meeting included James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, and Richard Viguerie, a direct mail pioneer, who recently authored “Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Republican Base.”

Viguerie told ABC News that the meeting was attended by “nationally known conservative leaders, and we took a very strong stand against supporting any pro-abortion candidate.

“Giuliani is beyond the pale,” Viguerie said. “It’s just not going to happen. There’s no way that conservative leaders are going to support a pro-abortion candidate. It was unanimous.”

Sentiment among his fellow “value voter conservatives” was so strong, Viguerie said, there was “overwhelming support to consider that idea” of a third-party presidential candidate in the event that Giuliani wins the Republican presidential nomination.

Such a move is not a “done deed,” he said, but he described how he’d been angry at the Republican Party for six years. “In the last six months, I’ve seen a vast majority of my colleagues, at the national level, move in that direction, including a willingness to go third party. They’re even further along on the third-party idea than I am,” Viguerie said.

We can only hope.  Well, actually I don’t care what party they belong to, as long as they are the right on the issues.

A.B.H (anybody but Hillary) rhetoric already underway. has Gary Bauer saying, “So I hope that we can, as a movement, be very wise about this, and not savage candidates that we may very well have to support in 2008 if they’re running against Hillary Clinton.”

Let me be clear.  I am done with the lesser of two evils garbage.  I have been for a long time. I didn’t vote for Bush either time because of it.  Oh I know.. then I’m “throwing my vote away” by not voting for someone who can actually win. Right (sarcasm). I’d say it’s the opposite that is true.  Voting for someone you don’t think is the best person for the job is throwing your vote away.

Frankly, I’m surprised and a little disappointed to see Gary Baurer with the GOP kool-aid mustache.

Romney Elaborates on Evolution

The New York Times Blog had this:

“I believe that God designed the universe and created the universe,” Mr. Romney said in an interview this week. “And I believe evolution is most likely the process he used to create the human body.”

He was asked: Is that intelligent design?

“I’m not exactly sure what is meant by intelligent design,” he said. “But I believe God is intelligent and I believe he designed the creation. And I believe he used the process of evolution to create the human body.”

I haven’t heard a better example of double-speak, since Bill Clinton wrote me “while personally against abortion I… ” (you can fill in the rest)

For clarification the Bible says this: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)

I’m not sure what the Book of Mormon says happened when God created man. But I don’t think it says we are the decedents of fish, Gov. Romney.

Question of the day!

Brownback Sorry for Mormon Comments

“Republican presidential hopeful Sam Brownback on Monday telephoned rival Mitt Romney to apologize for a campaign staffer’s e-mail criticizing the Mormon church.”

It seems I’m missing something but, I am unclear what’s Browback apologizing for here? Is he saying what someone believes is non-relevant? Or is he saying, “because I went from Protestant to Catholic, I don’t want matters of faith brought up.”

So I’m curious what you think. Does it matter if someone running for president is:

Believes in UFOs?
Believes Elvis is alive?